
Joseph Montgomery, Esq.

Mr. Montgomery founded Montgomery Law, LLC. Montgomery Law has allowed Mr. Montgomery to fully realize his passion for helping children and families at all levels of litigation and protection. He regularly teaches and lectures on the topic of special education law to groups of parents, educators, attorneys, judges and other professionals. Montgomery enjoys aviation and is an avid pilot. Joe’s book, “Parent vs. School” made it to the top of the Amazon rankings.

Joe treats every client with respect and integrity. Call today to set up an appointment with Joe in the Philadelphia or New Jersey Office.


Mary Montgomery, Ed.D.
Paralegal / Advocate

With more than 35 years of experience guiding, directing, and enhancing the quality of special education services for students in both Philadelphia and New Jersey, Dr. Mary Montgomery has dedicated her entire career to serving children with disabilities and acting as a special education advocate. Dr. Montgomery has experience in all aspects of special education, including working as a special education teacher, as well as an administrator responsible for the provision of special education services. She was the impetus behind many innovative programs for students within various school districts. Dr. Montgomery was awarded with the Montgomery County ARC, “Educator of the Year Award,” for her efforts to improve the lives of children with disabilities.

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Bradley Flynn, Esq.
Associate Attorney

Bradley Flynn practices in the areas of education and civil rights law. Brad brings a unique perspective to the firm in that he has spent many years working in schools directly with children with special needs. Brad’s keen understanding of how schools operate from the inside enables him to advocate more effectively for parents.